Thursday, 14 November 2019
My Morning Media
Today Whaea Debb came in to teach us about media,and the purpose of all types of Media. She asked us to recover our media from this morning. This is my boring morning media. As you can see I only did 4 things.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Waka Hoe Values
This week a new girl started our school,and came in early to make some friends before she started. While she was making new friends a group of kids were judging her because she was white,not only did they judge her but they also judged our friend Hanah. When our teacher found out,she asked what Waka Hoe weren't used and none of us answered so she told us to make posters for 3 of the 12 waka hoe we use at our school. These are my posters I made.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Why is a marae special?
For the past few weeks we have been learning all we can about Explanation writing,and the structure and language we have to use to score higher.I've learnt how to properly structure an explanation writing and also how to use a range of language features.Our topic is Marae,and how Marae are special for us maori.I also self assessted myself,it may not be educationaly correct but it's what I assesst.I'm writing at a year 10
Why a Marae is special to the community.
A marae is a significant place for all community around New Zealand.
You’re able to use the marae as a place to hold celebrations and tangihanga,
it’s a place to discover your whakapapa but it’s also a place to be authentic maori.
Along with the importance of a maori celebrations are one of them.Marae
are often used for tangihanga but were still able to celebrate.Marae can be used for:Weddings,
Birthdays,Reunions,Whanau Bonding time and many more.
Birthdays,Reunions,Whanau Bonding time and many more.
Marae are a special place for the community because it provides a place for
us to reconnect and bond with one another to build stronger relationships.
The highest priority on a marae is Tangihanga,when one of our loved ones have
passed away,their always brought back to the marae for whanau to say their last
goodbyes.The community will gather around to pay respect to the whanau by
supporting them in times of grief.The community helps the whanau by giving koha,
kai or giving a shoulder to mourn on.In the olden days,Kaumatua and Kuia will stay
up telling stories of times before to keep an eye on the person that has passed away
to protect them from other iwi trying to steal their body.
Were always destined to learn about our whakapapa.A marae is a place where we
go to identify where were from,who our ancestors are,and find out how were
connected to the whenua,awa,maunga,roto and more.Whenever you walk into a
marae your able to see your family legacy amongst the lining of the walls.You're
also able to picture what your ancestors stories were like because of the many carvings
inside and outside of the marae.
A marae let’s us be maori in authentic ways. You have to learn how to speak and act as
a maori.You also learn about the traditions such as Karakia,Waiata,Whai Korero,Mihi,
Karanga and so much more.You also learn about the tikanga and traditional customs that
have been passed down through generations from our ancestors,to teach us values in life.
A marae has a deeper meaning than just a place to hold celebrations,it’s a place to learn
more about our culture and the heritage behind it.
Marae are an exclusive part of a maori’s life!,it’s where were able to learn about our
whakapapa,it’s a place where we can support each other during tangihanga but it also
allows maori to be authentic together.As a result it’s where we feel a sense of belonging
amongst our people and were able to discover a deeper meaning in our culture.
Sent Struc
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Rugby World Cup Quarter Finals
Today our task was to collect information about the 8 countries currently competing in the Rugby World Cup Quater Finales.Once our information was collected we were then assinged to go to Google My Maps and add the information in there(Like showen below)We had to pin the 8 countries that were competing then add some facts about the country.Most of the information I put in were about the Populations,The Capitals,The name of the Captains,the team symbol and maybe some weird facts.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Cousin's am I right.
Cousin’s Am I Right
The sound of a crashing waterfall,reconnecting with the lake below.
The sound soothing and relaxing yet loud and annoying.
Hearing whirling sounds as I ran through the sightful forest.
Rainbow Falls.I have come here many times before,
each visit gaining more beauty.This visit was more special to
my family and I.The flowers were blooming,
the scent of mixed flower perfumes filled the air as
my family and I were making our way to the lake
beneath the waterfall.
“Wow..” was all I could comprehend to say as the
waterfall came into view.I was speechless and mind blowen.
How could something so simple feel so magical. “Welcome to Paradise”
my nan softly spoke as she admired its beauty. “LAST ONE IN THE
WATERS OWES EVERYONE FIVE BUCKS”My cousin Payton screamed.
Payton loved hustling people to get himself money.
Payton loved hustling people to get himself money.
I ran for my life as I heard a herd of elephants quickly approaching
behind me.My body finally hit the cold icy water,I shot back up
in time to move out of the way before my fat cousin crushed me.
Someone grabbed a humongous pile of seaweed and started war.
Me being oblivious,was a main target.Suddenly everything died down,
my cousins were just doing manus (bombs) and playing around.
I noticed my cousin Paula missing and trust me she is not hard to miss.
Then…..someone or something had a hold of my leg pulling
Then…..someone or something had a hold of my leg pulling
me further and further down.My instincts kicked in and I was rapidly
kicking my legs around like an idiot.Earning a few good kicks in the head and
torso area this creature finally let go.Once I had made it to the top of the surface,
my brain started working and my inner Nancy Drew shined through.
torso area this creature finally let go.Once I had made it to the top of the surface,
my brain started working and my inner Nancy Drew shined through.
Paula had pranked me and trust me she is not getting away with it.
I slowly but surely made my way to the bank,I was huffing and puffing rapidly.
The big bad wolf could never.My cousins made their way over
The big bad wolf could never.My cousins made their way over
to me with curiosity and conceredness in their eyes.Finally regaining
all of my oxygen back I got up and stood right in front of Paula
and ……..slapped her.That’s what she gets for messing with me.
and ……..slapped her.That’s what she gets for messing with me.
We had the most amazing time,enjoying each others company,admiring
the natural beauty and most importantly spending time with family.
I’ve had a blast hanging out with my cousins and I can’t wait till I get
to see them again.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Thursday, 29 August 2019
WALT use the correct structure and language to write an explanation text.But yesterday we had to mark and score the piece of writing below.Below the writing is my scores for the writing and why.
Tautoro school is a special place for my community. It is about 7 kilometers from the main town
of Kaikohe and is surrounded by nature, gardens, paddocks and volcanic rock. The marae just
over the fence, is a special place for the school community where our people gather for many
hui and whanau events. There is a small dairy a few metres along the road.
At Tautoro school all the kids have a sense of belonging through promoting and upholding our
waka hoe values, whakapapa and whakawhanaungatanga. Our whanau from Tautoro and surrounding
like Kaikohe send their kids to our school knowing they will get a well
like Kaikohe send their kids to our school knowing they will get a well
rounded education. Whanau like the school teaching staff who are very passionate about
supporting whanau and their tamariki in education and self determination.
A great thing about Tautoro school is that there are no distractions like the main streets or a
variety of shops where kids can roam and get in trouble. So our whanau know that their kids
will not have the bad influences that other kids may have in the main town.
All the kids at Tautoro school have a fantastic sports and PE teacher who has a lot of exciting
and enjoyable activities to help us stay fit and learn new skills. So kids don’t have to get bored.
As you can see, there are many reasons why our small country school in Tautoro is a very
special place to our community where our connections to whanau and learning are imperative.
Score Reasons why you have given this mark
Because the paragraph has several Ideas that some information and
one paragraph has a lot of information
Structure Language
Because this writing is well structured and also has a range of
language features that fit the purpose well
Because their ideas are organized properly but there is some missing
Because they use a variety of enhancing words and or phrases to
give specific information and they choose eye catching words
Sentence Structure
They have written a variety of sentences which are grammatically correct.
Some sentences are structured for effect to create dynamic. |
They have used correct sentence punctuation,but they have not used
any other punctuation besides( , .)
They have spelt a few words that are well fitted in the story but they have
not used any risk taking words.
This has been a very very interesting story to read,but the conclusion
was too short and there was no title
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Word Of The Day
This is important so that we know how to spell the words provided and know the definition.
Sunday, 18 August 2019
The nerve hadn’t kicked in yet, but there was something bubbling inside of many
of the students,the students of Tautoro school had been training hard
for the passed event that happened on Wednesday.
‘What if I fall over at the start?What if I twist my ankle or something’ was all that was
playing in my head,as nervous as I was on the inside I remained cool to trick my fellow
competitors.While waiting a few friends of mine played I dare you,It was an eventful game but
then Mrs Paraha asked Marta,Manaaki-tia and I to entertain the juniors while waiting for our
time to run.Finally! It was our time to run.I started off by stretching to make sure that I wouldn’t
get a cramp!Then off we went.
competitors.While waiting a few friends of mine played I dare you,It was an eventful game but
then Mrs Paraha asked Marta,Manaaki-tia and I to entertain the juniors while waiting for our
time to run.Finally! It was our time to run.I started off by stretching to make sure that I wouldn’t
get a cramp!Then off we went.
I could feel the crisp air blowing against my face giving me cold chills,the soothing sound
of the trees swishing in the wind and the sound of crashing waves intrigued me.I bolted getting
some good distance on the others but I had a bad gut feeling ran it off thinking my nerves had
some sort of power that was hurting me or something,I didn’t want to stop I
some good distance on the others but I had a bad gut feeling ran it off thinking my nerves had
some sort of power that was hurting me or something,I didn’t want to stop I
have trained too hard to give up now!I was determined to run at least one lap.The slower
my speed became I got anxious what was happening?The more I ran the more it hurts,the words
give up weren’t in my vocabulary so as the warrior I was I finished at least one lap.
give up weren’t in my vocabulary so as the warrior I was I finished at least one lap.
My second lap had gotten worse,it felt as the pain had traveled through my whole body.
So there was only one thing I could do,gi-give up I sighed in disappointment.
Now looking back at that day I think that maybe I could have tried harder?But in the state
I was in, I know that I couldn’t of.Why me?Why now? Was all I was thinking after the race
.I promise that next time I won’t give up so easily and I’ll fight back!Even though I didn’t win,
I’m able to redeem myself at Ohaeawai.
I’m able to redeem myself at Ohaeawai.
Saturday, 17 August 2019
Sunday, 11 August 2019
W.A.L.T:Analyse data by calculating the mean, median, mode and range.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Te Reo Maori-He Patai
W.A.L.T:Be able to ask and respond to questions in Te Reo Maori
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Word Of The Day
W.A.L.T:Be able to spell a variety of words,but also be able to know the definition.
This week we have been learning about Narrative Writing,We watched a video about a girl called Mara,had to write about her characteristics.WALT develop characters for a narrative story.
Mara is a self-less,kind-hearted,sweet,nice,ambitious,intelligent,help-ful yet curious,sometimes disappointed but that does not stop her from helping others as much as she can!I could see the hope through her big bulky glasses that took up most of her face,with bits of her brown hair hanging out from the front.
Ko te whanau heihei
W.A.L.T:Translate a Te reo Maori book,using our prior knowledge.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Comment Of The Week!
This is my comment to Hanah,She posted an impressive story about her being nervous to cross a daunting bridge,as she was walking across the bridge,it collapsed right in front of her.
Read Theory!
This is a story that I have been reading on a site called: Read Theory. Read Theory is a site were they give you short stories and then after you've read the story,your asked a few questions. The point of it is to enhance your reading skills and to help improve your inferring skills when it comes to tests.
This story is called 'What Happened to the Dodo?'
Narrative Writing
W.A.L.T:Write a story in tense and use one of the topics provided to write an narrative story.
As the misty fog filled the 4.00 am air, the locals around the area were rudely interrupted as Veronica
screamed her lungs out.Then Betty let out the most loudest and ferocious scream anyone has ever
heard. Jughead and Archie sprung into action,bolting into the girls room wondering why the heck they
were screaming this earlier in the morning.
screamed her lungs out.Then Betty let out the most loudest and ferocious scream anyone has ever
heard. Jughead and Archie sprung into action,bolting into the girls room wondering why the heck they
were screaming this earlier in the morning.
“I got up to have a drink of water,when a hideous rat looking beast the size of a cat! Ran towards me”
Veronica said, “then the rat ran through our bedroom,turned around then ran back towards the kitchen”
Veronica added.The boy burst out with laughter thinking that Veronica was exaggerating about the cat
sized rat.Archie bounced into Jughead's arms,after his slight interaction with that beast of a rat! “Oww!” screamed Archie as he was getting up off the ground.The boys grabbed a broom each and charged!The rat knew these walls like the back of it’s scaly palm.
Veronica said, “then the rat ran through our bedroom,turned around then ran back towards the kitchen”
Veronica added.The boy burst out with laughter thinking that Veronica was exaggerating about the cat
sized rat.Archie bounced into Jughead's arms,after his slight interaction with that beast of a rat! “Oww!” screamed Archie as he was getting up off the ground.The boys grabbed a broom each and charged!The rat knew these walls like the back of it’s scaly palm.
Archie was trying to be the MAN,but inside he was just as scared as Veronica was. Jughead and Betty were the real men,dealing with gangs and basically being an investigator, this rabbit sized rat was nothing compared to what they have done before.Betty grabbed a broom and a pot and snuck up behind the rat and threw the pot onto the rat.CLANK!! And that was the end of that.
Monday, 29 July 2019
Word of the day!
W.A.L.T:Find out what these words mean and write 3 synonyms and antonyms,also write a sentence and come up with ten words using the main word.
Interpret Graphs
We are learning to:
Display categorical data on pictographs, bar charts, strip graphs or pie charts.
Display number data on dot plots.
Choose an appropriate graph for the data.
Analyse graphs that others have drawn.
Make comparisons of data drawn on graphs.
Success Criteria:
I will
Complete follow-up tasks.
Update my 'Learning Progress' Sheet.
Post reflections and completed learning objects onto my blog by the end of each week.
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Word Art
Today we had used a website called:Word art
We had to create a word art poster and use words that evolve around the word Narrative.
I had learnt about the features like changing the shapes,fonts,font colors and the background colors as well.
Thursday, 27 June 2019
My Digital Smart Footprint!
Today Whaea Deb came in and asked us to creative a digital footprint for ourselves,this is my footprint and the social media logos on my poster I made my self using all different types of shapes!.I didn't really understand what she mean't so I just made stuff that I like doing or going on.
Monday, 17 June 2019
Today for reading and writing,we have been fixing up punctuation in a text,and if you don't think a word is the most efficient word used you can change that too.The highlighted punctuation and some words are the mistakes that I have changed from incorrect to correct punctuation.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Don't be negative!
The Purpose of this was to create a positive digital footprint but I thought to put my own twist on it and put basically my three different types of lifes on too.I also thought it would be funner for me to make ore recreate the things I do at school,home and on social media.After everything that I have learnt,I am going to leave a more efficient digital footprint cause you don't know how is tracking your every move.Stay very very safe online and don't be negative!,Spread positivity!
Book Review
This week I have been reading an article called Pacific
Paradise it was written by Mary Campbell. It’s mostly about the water streams getting destroyed so the
eels have to swim to find different places to live. The most interesting part was this enormous eel who has been
in deep pool lurks for over fifty years and she goes hunting for
food at night.And How they spawn their eggs well they swim all the way to the Pacific ocean.
What have you been reading?
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