
Thursday, 17 October 2019

Rugby World Cup Quarter Finals

Today our task was to collect information about the 8 countries currently competing in the Rugby World Cup Quater Finales.Once our information was collected we were then assinged to go to Google My Maps and add the information in there(Like showen below)We had to pin the 8 countries that were competing then add some facts about the country.Most of the information I put in were about the Populations,The Capitals,The name of the Captains,the team symbol and maybe some weird facts.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Cousin's am I right.

Cousin’s Am I Right

The sound of a crashing waterfall,reconnecting with the lake below.
The sound soothing and relaxing yet loud and annoying.
Hearing whirling sounds as I ran through the sightful forest.
Rainbow Falls.I have come here many times before,
each visit gaining more beauty.This visit was more special to
my family and I.The flowers were blooming,
the scent of mixed flower perfumes filled the air as
my family and I were making our way to the lake
beneath the waterfall.

“Wow..” was all I could comprehend to say as the
waterfall came into view.I was speechless and mind blowen.
How could something so simple feel so magical. “Welcome to Paradise”
my nan softly spoke as she admired its beauty. “LAST ONE IN THE
WATERS OWES EVERYONE FIVE BUCKS”My cousin Payton screamed.
Payton loved hustling people to get himself money.
I ran for my life as I heard a herd of elephants quickly approaching
behind me.My body finally hit the cold icy water,I shot back up
in time to move out of the way before my fat cousin crushed me.

Someone grabbed a humongous pile of seaweed and started war.
Me being oblivious,was a main target.Suddenly everything died down,
my cousins were just doing manus (bombs) and playing around.
I noticed my cousin Paula missing and trust me she is not hard to miss.
Then…..someone or something had a hold of my leg pulling
me further and further down.My instincts kicked in and I was rapidly
kicking my legs around like an idiot.Earning a few good kicks in the head and
torso area this creature finally let go.Once I had made it to the top of the surface,
my brain started working and my inner Nancy Drew shined through.

Paula had pranked me and trust me she is not getting away with it.
I slowly but surely made my way to the bank,I was huffing and puffing rapidly.
The big bad wolf could never.My cousins made their way over
to me with curiosity and conceredness in their eyes.Finally regaining
all of my oxygen back I got up and stood right in front of Paula
and ……..slapped her.That’s what she gets for messing with me.

We had the most amazing time,enjoying each others company,admiring
the natural beauty and most importantly spending time with family.
I’ve had a blast hanging out with my cousins and I can’t wait till I get
to see them again.